概要 / The Conference
Two Days of Powerful Talks
DevOpsDays は世界中で開催されているカンファレンスです。ソフトウェア開発、ITインフラ運用、そしてその境界線上にあるトピックをカバーし、特にDevOpsを実現するための自動化、テスト、セキュリティ、組織文化にフォーカスします。
DevOpsDays Tokyo is a community conference that focuses on topics surrounding software development and IT operations, including automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.
Overseas and local speakers will share their experiences with DevOps transformations, both in Japan and abroad. With content in both Japanese and English, as well as simultaneous translation, all attendees will be able learn the latest in DevOps trends and practices from around the world, and how to properly introduce them in their own organizations

DevOpsDays Tokyo 2024 開催実績
スピーカー / Speakers

Keynote Speaker:Daisuke Kasuya 粕谷 大輔
株式会社はてな エンジニアリングマネージャー
2001年に大学卒業後、SI、ソーシャルゲーム開発を経て、2014年にはてなに入社。アプリケーションエンジニアとして、サーバー監視サービス Mackerelの開発に携わり、2017年1月より同チームのディレクターに就任。Mackerelの200週連続新機能リリースを牽引した。また、社内のスクラムマスターを集めた「すくすく開発会」という枠組みを立ち上げ、会社全体の開発プロセスの改善に取り組んだ。2021年5月よりChatwork株式会社。その後2024年5月から再び株式会社はてなに。著書として『スクラムの拡張による組織づくり(技術評論社)』
After graduating from university in 2001, I gained experience in system integration (SI) and social game development before joining Hatena in 2014. As an application engineer, I was involved in the development of the server monitoring service Mackerel and was appointed as the team's director in January 2017. I led the initiative of continuously releasing new features for Mackerel for 200 consecutive weeks.
Additionally, I launched the Sukusuku Development Meeting, a framework that brought together Scrum Masters within the company, to improve the overall development process at Hatena.
In May 2021, I joined Chatwork Co., Ltd., and later returned to Hatena in May 2024.
I am also the author of "Building Organizations Through Scrum Expansion" (published by Gijutsu-Hyoron Co., Ltd.).

Keynote Speaker:Dana Pylayeva
「DevOps with Lego and Chocolate」ゲームの著者
Agile2024 カンファレンス チェア。認定エンタープライズコーチであり、複雑な状況のナビゲーション、学習コミュニティの構築、遊び心の導入、そして彼女がコーチするチームや組織におけるイノベーションの解放に優れています。
Dana Pylayeva is a Certified Enterprise Coach, who excels at navigating complexity, creating learning communities, infusing playfulness, and unleashing innovation in teams and organizations she coaches.
She brings a unique blend of exceptional facilitation skills, her diverse technical background (as a former Java Developer, a DBA Manager, an Application Architect), her 20 + years of Agile/ DevOps coaching experience (with clients in US, UK, Canada, India, Japan, and Ireland) as well as a strong professional coaching mindset (rooted in Co-Active and ORSC).
Dana’s coaching range includes individuals, teams, leadership as well as a Business Agility transformation coaching across a diverse span of industries: legal publishing, automotive, digital marketing, retail, FinTech, music streaming, non-profits etc.
Business games designer, author of “DevOps with Lego and Chocolate” and “Fear in the Workplace” games, Dana is an international speaker (80 conferences in 18 countries), organizer of several local meetups in NYC as well as the conference chair at Agile2024 conference.
More than 40 speakers from Japan and overseas who embody DevOps in their latest development and organizational practices will be presenting.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for the English sessions.
Call for Speakers / 登壇者の募集
We’re looking for a mix of technical and cultural talks that relate to the central conference themes.
投稿の一次締切: 1月15日13:00 (日本時間)
投稿の二次締切: 3月1日13:00 (日本時間)
1st round Deadline for posting : 1 pm on Jan 15th (JST: UTC+9)
2nd round Deadline for posting : 1 pm on Mar 1st (JST: UTC+9)